(November-December 2024, Volume 14, No 6)
The Indian Society of Chemists and Biologists has established CHEMISTRY & BIOLOGY INTERFACE, an open access, peer-reviewed, online, bimonthly journal, to commemorate the International Year of Chemistry (2011) and the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to Madame Marie Curie. It is an official journal of Indian Society of Chemists and Biologists ( The society also publishes conference proceedings.
The Indian Society of Chemists and Biologists has established CHEMISTRY & BIOLOGY INTERFACE, an open access, peer-reviewed, online, bimonthly journal, to commemorate the International Year of Chemistry (2011) and the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to Madame Marie Curie. It is an official journal of Indian Society of Chemists and Biologists ( The society also publishes conference proceedings.
Guide for Authors
The manuscript should be prepared as a single editable Microsoft Word document.
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The manuscript should be prepared as a single editable Microsoft Word document.
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The manuscript should be prepared as a single editable Microsoft Word document.
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28JuneDr. PMS Chauhan figured amongst the top 2% scientists in the world.
28June27th ISCB International Conference (ISCBC-2021), 29th November - 1st December, 2021 at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala, India
28JuneInfoBase Index Factor for Chemistry and Biology Interface for the year 2015 is 2.8 (based on information received from
28JuneInfoBase Index Factor for Chemistry and Biology Interface for the year 2015 is 2.8 (based on information received from
28juneChemistry & Biology Interface is abstracted and indexed in the following: - Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) SciFinder(ACS) - Asian Science Citation Index (ASCI Database) - Google Scholar - Ulrich's Periodicals Directory - Index Copernicus (Index Copernicus Ltd.)


Dr. P.M.S. Chauhan

Prof. N. C. Desai
Associate Editor

Prof. Dalip Kumar
Associate Editor